Direct Boeken
  • Personal attention is our prioritiy. Let us introduce ourselves to you
  • We guarantee you a balloon ride of at least one hour
  • We provide an all-inclusive program, from start till landing
  • We use all-in prices, no additional charges
  • With 10 available balloons we offer all the flexibility
Contact us

Wiegers Ballonvaarten

Groepsballonvaart Amersfoort

Ballonvaart met een groep vanuit Amersfoort over het historisch centrum van Amersfoort. De ballonvaart voerde over de Gelderse Vallei en landde na bijna anderhalf uur net voor Barneveld.


  • Personal attention is our prioritiy. Let us introduce ourselves to you
  • We guarantee you a balloon ride of at least one hour
  • We provide an all-inclusive program, from start till landing
  • We use all-in prices, no additional charges
  • With 10 available balloons we offer all the flexibility
Contact us
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